If you cannot die for any woman, please, don't get married! I'm not just talking about physical death, I am also referring to death of ego, pride, selfishness, impatience, stinginess and yes, physical death, when necessary. We are talking about reality here, not fantasies from Hollywood movies! Jesus died for us. The peak of love is death, risk taking and selfless endeavors to give life to the one you love. Jesus said "A man lay down his life for his friends..." He wasn't a smooth talker/con artist, he prove it by dying on the cross for us. "Husbands, love your wife as Christ loves the church..." A man who is truly ready for marriage must be prepared to lay down his life for his wife. You are ready to do everything and anything godly to make this woman into what God says she will be. You are willing to kill all these vices in you: hot temper, lust, selfishness, pride, anger, hatred, unforgiveness, smoking, drinking, womanizing, laziness, idleness, e...