
Life Facts on Gratitude.

Hi there!😁 Kindly watch the short video below before you read the write up. Watched it yet? What about now?🙂 Thank you!😊 Now one thing I have observed about we humans is that most times we are overly concerned about the things we don't have, thereby neglecting the things that we do have (lol sometimes I can be guilty of this, but thank God I see the light now.🙈) You know we take for granted or with levity some of the gifts that God has freely given unto us without collecting a dime.... I don't know when last you have been to a hospital, especially the emergency ward, I encourage you to visit one of these days, then you will truly understand what I am talking about because I have been there, and now I know better... You will sincerely appreciate God for the free flow of oxygen He has given you when you hear how much people actually pay to buy one cylinder of oxygen... So you might want to ask, how much is oxygen currently sold in Nigerian hospitals? Well, accordi...

Life Facts..

You know there are some times our Father instructs us to do something, and then we "judge from our human perspective, and that thing just doesn't seem to make any iota of sense".... 😑🤦 But when we finally realize that we have chosen to obey Him and Trust Him (just like He has told us in Proverbs 3:5&6) "irrespective of whether it makes any logical sense or not", we see Him work in miraculous ways, and come through for us with mighty acts that beats our human comprehension.😲 Hmmmmm..... You know some Kingdom principles/ precepts/instructions continually defies human principles: I mean; how do you want to explain to someone that when you give sincerely and sacrificially to God and humanity, you will receive more and be Blessed for it.🤷 This means that your good deeds would not only be "Recorded by God, but also Rewarded by God". (Luke 6:38) 📖 This is very deep friends, because there are times that a person's good deeds are Record...

Life Facts...

Hmmmmm Kindly see the short video and picture below before reading the post, because it will only make more sense to you then ... Permit me to reiterate the fact that what really matters is what Lives after we Leave. So therefore we are encouraged to Live so as to Leave an indelible impact on the world after we are gone.. May I also remind us all that it is not the Years in our Lives that matters, instead it is the Life in those Years that counts. Meaning it is not how LONG you lived that actually matters, but how WELL you lived that counts. So my question goes to us all, Are we Living or just merely Existing? Are we lifting others, or are we losing others After all is said and done and you finally obey the Clarion call, what would you you be remembered for? Would you impact lives, or would you have been like a snake who glides a rock without making any impact on it? Would people miss you? or would they be more than ready to kiss you goodbye, hence saying "good riddanc...


I'll encourage you to watch the video first so that this post can make more sense to you.🙂 The entrance of His word bringeth Light and Illumination...💫✨✨ May the light that cometh from the Throne room displace every darkness in your life In Jesus Name... Amen. 🔥 This Month we Exceed expectations, we  Break-Through limitations, and we Break-Forth into Greater Glory on every side In Jesus Name... Amen!🙌 The good Lord will give us all a New song of Victory to sing this Month In Jesus Name... Amen.💃 Just like a pregnant woman travails through the months to bring forth her Bundle of Joy in the 9th month, so shall you bring forth your Bundle of Blessing In Jesus Name... Amen.🙏 No matter how 2020 has been for you, never stop believing that all things are working together for your good.  Never stop proclaiming that "things are not happening TO you, but rather things are happening FOR you. Soar above the Eagles this Month!!! 🦅 Happy New Month People!😁


Please watch the the short video first !🙂 🗣️Nooo don't continue reading until you have watched the video.. 😁 Watched it now? (Cause this post would only make more sense to you after you have watched it.) Yes you have right?😉 Thank you!👍👍💃 Before I proceed, I have a few questions for you, and they are...🙂 Has your Saviour saved you? Do you still feel the Joy, Peace, Happiness, Love, Satisfaction that comes from within since you Believed?☺️ Do you still yearn to constantly desire the Presence of the lover of your soul?🌬️ Are you already having doubts about your Faith, because of some little compromises here and there that you are currently engaging in?🥺 Do you now allow yourself to be subdued by pressure at work, school, your compound, to make you go back to those things that you called quit before? Things like "small white lies", changing figures at work to satisfy your Boss, going into those ungodly relationships so as to satisfy your basic human needs (forgetti...

He is Working...

Please watch the the short video first !🙂 You know there is something about this song that always get me excited everytime I hear it..  It reaffirms the Father's continuous intentional involvement in my life and irrespective of me feeling it or not, I just have to Believe it because it is 💯 true.. Sometimes we go through really difficult times/circumstances, that we almost scream "Father, can't you see me going through all this pain? I'm almost at the peak of my threshold! I'm almost giving up!"  In the midst of that confusion, pain, frustration, depression, etc, God is still whispering sweet words of reassurance that He has never left you, that He is with you at every step of the way, and that you only have to Trust Him and believe that His Grace is forever sufficient for you. But you have to be STILL to hear Him clearly dear one..  The devil would always want to cloud your heart with doubt about your present, and fear uncertainty about your fut...

Public Confession of a General. 👮

Please watch the short video first!  🗣️Abba (God) we both know this, but permit me to publicly declare this Today...📄 Abba... May I never graduate from your school of BROKENESS.🥀🙇‍♀️ May I forever yearn for your Presence.🌬️💨 May I forever be clothed with the Beauty of your Humility.🙇‍♀️ May I never get too busy to daily water our Relationship with my Attention, Sweet Words, Submission and Honour.💦 May you continually Steer up my Spirit Man, so that I can always speak out with dangerous intensity, the efficacy of your Word.🗣️🔥 May I never forget that other Doctors may make me Well for sometime, but it is only you that can make me Whole forever.💊 May I continually Look unto you, until I begin to Look like you.🧲 Make I never be far away from the Secret Place, because it is always the place of Power and Restoration.🔥 May I continually have encounters with you that would continue to change the course of my life Forever.🌪️ May you place something upon my life that my Genera...