Life Facts..
You know there are some times our Father instructs us to do something, and then we "judge from our human perspective, and that thing just doesn't seem to make any iota of sense".... 😑🤦
But when we finally realize that we have chosen to obey Him and Trust Him (just like He has told us in Proverbs 3:5&6) "irrespective of whether it makes any logical sense or not", we see Him work in miraculous ways, and come through for us with mighty acts that beats our human comprehension.😲
You know some Kingdom principles/ precepts/instructions continually defies human principles: I mean; how do you want to explain to someone that when you give sincerely and sacrificially to God and humanity, you will receive more and be Blessed for it.🤷
This means that your good deeds would not only be "Recorded by God, but also Rewarded by God". (Luke 6:38) 📖
This is very deep friends, because there are times that a person's good deeds are Recorded, but not Rewarded!
That was the case of Mordecai, whose good deeds were Recorded, but not Rewarded, until the Books of Remembrance was opened concerning him!✨📖
Oh I pray for someone reading this post today that the Book of Remembrance would be opened up concerning you In Jesus Name... Amen! 🔥🔥
I'm not here to write an epistle, but just to encourage someone that sometimes, those Divine instructions don't always have to make sense, but we keep on Trusting regardless, and in Trusting, we Triumph... Glory! 💃
May God help us all... Amen. 🙏
Thank you for reading.🙂
Amen. Thank you for the word