These ears have heard some stupid statements like "A man can ask for sex in courtship, it is the woman that must learn to say NO!" That is rubbish! So a woman is not permitted to ask for sex and when she asks, do the guys say NO? They pounce on her, rape her silly and tell the world she seduced them! Nonsense! Rubbish!! Stupid fallacy!!! Why must a man ask for sex in courtship? Why must you open your mouth and ask for what belongs to your elders? Is your thinking so low, you must ask the poor lady to let you slap her father in the face by stealing sex from his daughter without paying her dowry? Has your self esteem gone so down that you stooped below every form of self dignity to ask for what is not yours and lose your respect before her forever? Why must you ask for sex in courtship, are you even born again at all? I don't understand how some so called Pastors, Bishop, Evangelists and self acclaimed Prophets will open their mouths wide and ask their fiancee for sex in ...