I Can't Stay In A Room Alone with Him, I May Ask For Sex!

It was so awkward and strange  when my course mate: a spirit filled, christian sister told me this about her fiance. We had been friends at school, we attended the same fellowship, she was a leader at the church.  She was engaged to a christian brother too, spirit filled and tongue talking. I have never met her fiancé for the length of our friendship. And I asked her one day, your fiance has never visited us here before. And she said ah! I can't allow him come over. I said why? And She said " the kind of life I lived before I gave my life over to Christ cannot afford me. I had sex just too severally that I couldn't control  my appetite then, I can't stay in a room with him alone for so long, I may ask for sex" I was thinking it was so strange then, but later I understood why.
The body gets used to what you do frequently with it. And apart, our body react differently to things.  That someone is in courtship and visits his or her partner anytime and anywhere and claims not having sex does not mean you can scale through that if you do. Every where the bible warns against immorality, fornications, adultery, it  has ever warned us to keep off or pick race! If you are tempted every now and then to touch one another in courtship then you may soon go into sex. Flee youthful lust! Flee from every appearance of evil. Meet one another in a free place or not alone if you are having temptations. Don't go visiting at ungodly hours. When wedding is near, temptations may be high, you are almost there, be wise. She will soon be your own, he will soon be your own, don't rob yourself of that glory and testimony of a virgin till  marriage or I didn't touch him or her till we marry, our courtship was pure! If you can't keep away from sex during courtship, you are not likely to be free from adultery when you are married. Marriage its never a solution to sexual temptation. It is the fear  of God that keeps a man from sin. Stay pure! Keep yourself pure in your relationship!  Study yourself, know your feelings. Don't work against your feelings, flee when you need to do!
God will give you more grace to keep staying pure. God bless!
©Evang Abisola  Kemi Longe


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